In the past people moved from place to another by walked for many hours because they didnot have any invention that help them to moved quickly or to travel to another country, In 1885 a german inventor called Karl Benz produce the first car , At the beginning cars were bought by few people because of the high cost and the disgn of the cars were so simple and just carry 2 or 3 people .Nowaday most of families have 3 or 4 cars in one house because of the improvement in the living and salary . ِAlso the disgn of cars become more comfortable and carry 5 or 6 people . Lately cars plays an important part of our life and its make our life much more easiar to transfer from place to another and save our time and our effort.
Also in the past people when they want to travel they used the camel to carry the people and their packages from country to another . On December 17. 1930 The inventors of the first airplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright. the Wright brothers made the first successful experiment in which a machine carrying a man rose by its own power, flew naturally and at even speed, and descended without damage.Then the design of airplane become more perfect and it can carry about 200 person. At the present airplanes make our world more smaller.
This video show how amazing way airplanes worked.